Return Policy

At Bahar Kural Photography, we strive to ensure your satisfaction with every purchase. Please review our return policy below:

1. Eligibility for Returns We only accept returns for damaged images. If you receive a damaged item, please contact us immediately to address the issue.

2. Reporting Damaged Items To report a damaged image:

  • Email us at or call 917-945-6496.

  • Provide details about the damage, including photos if possible, within 7 days of receiving the item.

3. Return Procedure

  • Once we confirm the damage, we will provide instructions on returning the item.

  • Please ensure the item is securely packed to avoid further damage during transit.

4. Refunds and Replacements

  • If a return is approved, we will issue a replacement or refund based on your preference.

  • Refunds will be processed to the original payment method within 14 days of receiving the returned item.

5. Costs

  • You will not incur any costs for returning damaged items.

  • If the return is due to other reasons, you may be responsible for shipping costs.

6. Contact Information For additional information or assistance:

  • Email:

  • Phone: 917-945-6496

Thank you for choosing Bahar Kural Photography. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.